Solar Turbines is an international company based in the USA and is one of the leading producers of industrial gas turbines in the world. It was founded more than 90 years ago and has been operating in three places in the Czech Republic since 2012.
Our high-tech repair center is located in the Triangle industrial zone near Žatec, while the world-class gas turbine testing center operates in Žebrák. Share Service Centre for Europe, Africa and the Middle East is located in Prague – Smichov.

Prague Office Move Announcement
Please be aware that effective Tuesday, March 26, 2024 Solar Turbines Prague facility has relocated to a new facility at Za Ženskými domovy 3379/1, 150 00 Prague 5 – Smíchov.
See you at these events

Veletrh iKariéra na ČVUT
6. 3. 2024
Are you looking for a job, a thesis topic, an interesting lecture or a place to have fun all day? This and much more awaits you on March 6, 2024 at the Dejvice campus and at selected faculties of CTU. Stop by the yellow Solar Turbines booth!

Career Expo 2024
13. – 14. 3. 2024
Career advice, job offers or current trends from the world of work. During 13-14 March 2024, we will transform the 02 universe in Prague into a place full of inspiration with the opportunity to test and develop your skills or find your dream job. Solar Turbines is surely not to be missed!

Veletrh pracovních příležitostí při ZČU v Plzni
20. 3. 2024
The main objective of the fair is to establish contact and cooperation between students and graduates of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and the Czech and foreign corporate sphere. That is why you can also meet the Solar Turbines team here. The fair is held on the campus of the University of West Bohemia in the Borey area.

Kariérní dny Fakulty strojní a Fakulty elektrotechnické ČVUT v Praze
9. – 10. 4. 2024
The career days will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday, 9 and 10 April 2024 from 9:00 to 16:00, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the CTU, at Technická 4 and Technická 2, Prague 6 – Dejvice. The Solar Turbines booth is easy to find – we’ll be the yellow ones!

Technodays Chomutov
18. – 20.4. 2024
The fair is attended by companies, secondary and higher education institutions from the region and the surrounding area. That is why we traditionally cannot miss it. The fair also includes a round table with the participation of the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports. The topic of the meeting will be new technologies in secondary schools, vocational training and internships in companies.
Life in Solar Turbines
Marek Bureš / Logistics Manager
“I decided to join Solar Turbines because of the company’s clear vision. They know exactly where they’re going
long-term, not just worldwide, but specifically in the Czech Republic. The added value is huge, and when you know the business strategy of the company you can go to work every day knowing the reasoning behind what you do, and that the firm won’t just uproot and move somewhere else one day.”
Kateřina Klimčáková / Process Engineer
“It’s never boring! You don’t have to believe me, but my job is incredibly interesting. Imagine you’re repairing a turbine which just came in from an oil platform and you need to rebuild worn-out parts. Another time, you get your hands on inland turbine systems for transporting oil or natural gas. Something new and fantastic is happening at Solar Turbines every day!”
David Kuja / vedoucí CNC oddělení
“It feels like home here because I was one of the first to establish a whole department on our plant. As a preparation, I’ve gone through, among other things, an incredible six-month internship at Solar Turbines in San Diego, USA. And that was very soon after I’d joined our company in mid-2011 as a CNC programmer when the first hall in Bitozeves was just being built.”